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How To Become a Reseller?
What is a Reseller?
As the name suggests, an Reseller is someone who sells Services to interested customers. You can just Buy a Service and use it only by your self. However, there are many more people who want to become an Reseller themselves. It is better to think of them as freelance distributors who bought "packages" from a known Company. After that, the Reseller (You) can resell those packages to their (Yours) interested customers. One of the most common ways of making money through this kind of business venture is Affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing can be achieved by joining a number of different internet marketing companies that sell best packages. You can also offer packages to your interested customers on your website, through classified ads, word of mouth recommendations etc. What you will see later is that in the later stages of sales, a "word of mouth recommendations" may actualy be the best way to sell because someone actualy recommended you who already uses your services and is very satisfied with it. Satisfied with the service itself, Your Customer Service (can be just yourself beeing all-in-one), Fast responce time, Fast Line Activations etc.
it is still important that you choose a high-quality SERVICE from a reputable company. Starting this type of business with even just a small investment comming from scratch can be a challenge, but if you are willing to learn and have enough drive and motivation to succeed, you will be able to do everything on your own and achieve huge success very quickly.
Advantages of being an Reseller at
You will get a high quality Service provider with which you can easily sell any of your products to millions of people around the world.
There are a number of benefits that a Reseller can get from their supplier:
- The first advantage is that you can earn money from your own affiliate and ofcourse, without changing your current job. You can start your own business with the apsolute lowest budget and don't be afraid of running out of budget because this Service is a
Highly profitable service.
- offers a customer Line Management Panel for resellers, whose interface is customized and easy to use for the All types of users/Resellers.
- As a seller of our packages, you are able to get in touch with your customer according to your own margin.
- You can fully control your clients of your panel. You can manage the lines according to your preferences.
Why becoming a Resellers at
The reasons why you should choose ExYUIPTV as an Service provider is simply because they offer you the best reasonable price on the IPTV market, which makes it much easier to start your business at first. With more than 34.000+ Live content and more than 160.000+ VODs (many MultiSubed), 30.000+ different Series while constantly adding fresh content to the list, it guarantees to meet all your basic needs of customers to watch multi-country service i a SINGLE package. You can start making money from as a reseller RIGHT NOW with a VERY small initial investment. This is an excellent opportunity for people who like to earn money in a new way, without giving up their permanent job.
All in all, has really made an extremely good impression on those who would also like to become Resellers.
It is a
high-quality FHD, HD and 4K service that performs very well, is extremely stable and is favorable for resale.

Definitely worth a try!
We guarantee you won't be disappointed.
Join Our Team. Be part of our story
Kako postati Prodavač?
Šta su Reseleri - Preprodavači?
Kao što i samo ime govori, Reseler - Preprodavač je neko ko prodaje Servis tj. usluge kupcima koji plaćaju za istu. Međutim, postoji mnogo više ljudi koji žele i sami postati prodavač, nego samo koristiti servis za lične potrebe. Bolje ih je smatrati slobodnim distributerima kojima se paketi prodaju od strane neke reputabilne Kompanije. Nakon toga, te pakete Preprodavate svojim zainteresiranim kupcima. Jedan od najčešćih načina zarade putem ovog poslovnog poduhvata je udruženi marketing (Affiliate marketing). Affiliate marketing se može postići pridruživanjem velikom broju različitih kompanija koje se bave Internet marketingom i prodaju pakete tj. servis. Pakete takođe možete ponuditi svojim zainteresiranim kupcima na vašoj sopstvenoj web lokaciji (WebSajt-u), te putem oglasnika, preporukama od usta do usta, a što ćete uvidjeti da je u kasnijim stazama prodaje možda i najbolji način prodaje jer vas je neko preporučio ko zapravo već koristi vaše usluge i jako je zadovoljan. Kupac koji je zadovoljan servisom koji pružate, zadovoljan vašom korisničkom službom, cijenom, mogućnostima isl., će dati najbolju preporuku sledećem korisniku koju ni jedna reklma na svijetu ne može!
važno je da odaberete visokokvalitetni paket tj. servis neke ugledne IPTV Kompanije. Pokretanje ove vrste posla, iako s malim ulaganjem na početku, od skoro same nule i bez nekog početnog iskustva, može biti izazov. Ali ako ste voljni učiti i imate dovoljno pokreta i motivacije za uspjeh, moći ćete započeti i sami, te vrlo brzo dostići ogroman uspjeh. Uostalom, tu smo MI da vam pomognemo ;)
Prednosti preprodavača servisa na
Dobit ćete visokokvalitetnog pružatelj usluga sa kojim lako možete prodati bilo koji svoj proizvod milionima ljudi širom svijeta.
Postoje brojne pogodnosti koje preprodavač može dobiti od svog dobavljača:
- Prva prednost je ta što možete zaraditi novac od sopstvene podružnice i sve naravno, ne mijenjajući svoj trenutni posao. Možete započeti vlastiti posao s najnižim budžetom i ne bojite se da ćete ostati bez budžeta jer je naš servis, siguran servis!
- ExYUTV nudi Reseller Panel za upravljanje linijama klijenata za preprodavce, čije je sučelje prilagođeno svakom korisniku/Reseller-u.
- Kao prodavač ExYUTV paketa, u mogućnosti ste stupiti u kontakt sa svojim kupcem prema vlastitoj marži. - Možete potpuno kontrolirati svoje klijente vašeg panela. Možete upravljati linijama prema svojim željama.
Zašto postati preprodavač baš na
Razlozi zbog kojih biste trebali odabrati ExYUIPTV kao dobavljača Servisa su jednostavno zato što za vas nudimo najpovoljniju razumnu cijenu na tržištu, što u početku umnogome olakšava sam start poslovanja. Sa više od 25.000 sadržaja uživo i više od 130.000 VOD-ova (filmova), 24.000+ različitih TV serija, te konstantnim dodavanjem svježeg sadržaja na listu, daje garanciju koja ispunjava sve vaše osnovne potrebe klijenata za praćenje online servisa iz više zemalja sa samo jednim paketom! Možete početi zarađivati novac od ExYUTV kao preprodavač ODMAH i to sa JAKO malim početnim ulaganjem. Ovo je izvrsna prilika za ljude koji vole zarađivati novac na nov način, a ne odričući se stalnog posla.
Sve u svemu, ExYUTV je ostavio izuzetno dobar utisak na one koji bi takođe željeli postati preprodavači ovakvog online servisa.
Riječ je o
visokokvalitetnoj FHD, HD te 4K usluzi koja se jako dobro ponaša, izuzetno je stabilna i povoljna je za preprodaju.

Svakako vrijedi probati!
Garantujemo da nećete biti razočarani.
how to start your own iptv business
How To Become Reseller?
What is a Resellers?
As the name suggests, a Reseller is someone who sells services to paying customers. However, there are many more people who want to become an reseller themselves nad not just to use the excellent service for them selves. It is better to think of them as freelance distributors who sell packages they bought from a reputable company. After that, you can resell those packages to your interested customers. One of the most common ways of making money through this kind of business venture is Affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing can be achieved by joining a number of different internet marketing companies that sell service packages. You can also offer packages to your interested customers on your website, and through classified ads, word of mouth recommendations, and what you will see later is that in the later stages of sales it may be the best way to sell because someone recommended you who actually already uses your services and is very satisfied, etc.
it is important that you choose a high-quality package from a reputable company. Starting this type of business with a small investment and from scratch can be a challenge, but if you are willing to learn and have enough drive and motivation to succeed, you will be able to start on your own and achieve huge success very quickly.
Advantages of being an Reseller at ExYUTV
You will get a high quality service provider with which you can easily sell any of your products to millions of people around the world.
There are a number of benefits that a reseller can get from their supplier:
- The first advantage is that you can earn money from your own affiliate and all of course, without changing your current job. You can start your own business with the lowest budget and don't be afraid of running out of budget because this is a safe service that will always get you some extra money.
- ExYUTV offers a customer line management panel for resellers, whose interface is customized for the user/Reseller.
- As a seller of ExYUTV packages, you are able to get in touch with your customer according to your own margin. - You can fully control your clients of your panel. You can manage the lines according to your preferences.
Why becoming Resellers at ExYUTV
The reasons why you should choose ExYUTV as Your Service provider is simply because, we offer You the best reasonable price on the market, which makes it much easier to start your business at first. With more than 34.000 Live TV channels and more than 160.000 VODs, 30.000+ different TV series frrom ALL OVER THE WORLD and constantly adding fresh content to the list, it guarantees to meet all your basic needs of customers to watch multi-country TV with just one package. You can start making money from ExYUTV as a reseller RIGHT NOW with a VERY small initial investment. This is an excellent opportunity for people who like to earn money in a new way, without giving up a permanent job.
All in all, ExYUTV has really made an extremely good impression on those who would also like to become Resellers.
It is a
high-quality FHD, HD and 4K service that performs very well and is favorable for calculation and resale.

Definitely worth a try!
We guarantee you won't be disappointed.
how to start your own iptv business
Kako postati preprodavač?
Šta su Preprodavači?
Kao što i samo ime govori, prodavač je neko ko prodaje ovaj servis tj. usluge kupcima koji plaćaju za istu. Međutim, postoji mnogo više ljudi koji žele i sami postati prodavači, nego da koristiti servis samo za lične potrebe. Bolje ih je smatrati slobodnim distributerima kojima se paketi prodaju od strane neke reputabilne kompanije. Nakon toga, te pakete možete preprodati svojim zainteresiranim kupcima. Jedan od najčešćih načina zarade putem ovog poslovnog poduhvata je udruženi marketing (Affiliate marketing). Affiliate marketing se može postići pridruživanjem velikom broju različitih kompanija koje se bave Internet marketingom i prodaju pakete. Pakete takođe možete ponuditi svojim zainteresiranim kupcima na vašoj sopstvenoj web lokaciji (WebSajt-u), te putem oglasnika, preporukama od usta do usta, a što ćete uvidjeti da je u kasnijim stazama prodaje možda i najbolji način prodaje jer vas je neko preporučio ko zapravo već koristi vaše usluge i jako je zadovoljan. Kupac koji je zadovoljan servisom koji pružate, zadovoljan vašom korisničkom službom, cijenom, mogućnostima isl., će dati najbolju preporuku sledećem korisniku koju ni jedna reklma na svijetu ne može!
važno je da odaberete visokokvalitetni paket ugledne Kompanije. Pokretanje ove vrste posla, iako s malim ulaganjem na početku, od skoro same nule i bez nekog početnog iskustva, može biti izazov. Ali ako ste voljni učiti i imate dovoljno pokreta i motivacije za uspjeh, moći ćete započeti i sami, te vrlo brzo dostići ogroman uspjeh. Uostalom, tu smo MI da vam pomognemo ;)
Prednosti preprodavača na
Dobit ćete visokokvalitetnog pružatelja usluga sa kojim lako možete prodati bilo koji svoj proizvod milionima ljudi širom svijeta. Postoje brojne pogodnosti koje preprodavač može dobiti od svog dobavljača:
- Prva prednost je ta što možete zaraditi novac od sopstvene podružnice i sve naravno, ne mijenjajući svoj trenutni posao. Možete započeti vlastiti posao s najnižim budžetom i ne bojite se da ćete ostati bez budžeta jer je ovaj servis, siguran i pouzdan.
- ExYUTV nudi Reseller Panel za upravljanje linijama klijenata za preprodavce, čije je sučelje prilagođeno svakoj vrsti korisnika/Reseller-a.
- Kao prodavač ExYUTV servisa, u mogućnosti ste stupiti u kontakt sa svojim kupcem prema vlastitoj marži.
- Možete potpuno kontrolirati svoje klijente vašeg panela. Možete upravljati linijama prema svojim željama.
Zašto postati preprodavač na ExYUTV
Razlozi zbog kojih biste trebali odabrati ExYUIPTV kao dobavljača Servisa su jednostavni. Kao prvo, nude najpovoljniju razumnu cijenu na tržištu, što u početku umnogome olakšava sam start poslovanja. Sa više od 25.000 sadržaja uživo i više od 130.000 VOD-ova (filmova), 24.000 različitih Serija i konstantnim dodavanjem svježeg sadržaja na listu, daje garanciju koja ispunjava sve vaše osnovne potrebe klijenata u više zemalja sa samo jednim paketom. Možete početi zarađivati novac od ExYUTV kao preprodavač ODMAH i to sa JAKO malim početnim ulaganjem. Ovo je izvrsna prilika za ljude koji vole koji vole zarađivati novac na nov način, ne odričući se stalnog posla.
Sve u svemu, ExYUTV je ostavio zaista izuzetno dobar utisak na one koji bi takođe željeli postati preprodavači ovog servisa.
Riječ je o
visokokvalitetnoj FHD, HD te 4K usluzi koja se jako dobro ponaša, izuzetno je stabilna i pouzdana, te povoljna za svaki proračun i preprodaju.

Svakako vrijedi probati!
Garantujemo da nećete biti razočarani.
Don't wait!




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